June 28th - July 4th

Daily Reading

Monday: Numbers 25, Psalm 75
Tuesday: Luke 11, Psalm 74
Wednesday: Numbers 26, Psalm 77
Thursday: Luke 12, 1 Thessalonians 4-5
Friday: Numbers 27-28
Saturday: Numbers 29, 2 Thessalonians 1
Sunday: No Reading


Sunday 6.27.2021  "Gathered: Worship + Prayer" Russ Miller
Sermon Notes

Weekly Questions

1. Read back through Acts 4:23-31 and 1 Chronicles 16 and consider our posture as we gather.  Look for the the 4 areas that we highlighted today (gather together, lift up our voices, remember our story, and call on the Lord).  How do you see them in these two stories?  What else do you see that calls us to be devoted to prayer and worship?

2. Look back over the list of physical responses in worship in the handout.  Which ones are you most comfortable and familiar with?  Are there any that make you uncomfortable or are not familiar to you?

3. We talked about excuses people give to not engage in corporate times of prayer and singing (I’m not gifted that way, that’s not my thing, that’s not my background, I don’t want to be driven by emotion, I don’t feel led to).  Is there an excuse that you are prone to make?  In what way were you challenged by the teaching today?

4. Can you identify one thing that God spoke to you through our time together today?  Is there anything that you need to do or change to walk in obedience to that?

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