We believe spiritual maturity and healing happens when we engage the Word of God by the Spirit of God through the People of God. In community we are invited to weep with those who weep and rejoice with those who rejoice and to carry one another's burdens.


Love + Care is a ministry dedicated to providing practical help for needs that arise in our body. These needs arise mainly among the elderly, disabled, as well as others who find themselves in crisis situations.  If you have a need, please fill out the form at the top of this page.

Volunteer Database (this is non commital, but we often need volunteers to meet the needs that arise)


These small, discussion based, issue-specific groups are to bring hope, healing, and belonging to areas of unhealthy patterns, isolation, and pain.  Our goal is to offer space to walk communally towards greater freedom and maturity in Christ. These classes will be led by our counseling team and seasoned believers within our church body, and will run for 6 to 8 weeks depending on the topic. 
Future classes may include
Sexual Integrity
Celebrate Recovery


Our prayer team offers individual prayer time for the purpose of healing, freedom, and a greater awareness of God’s presence. These prayer times are available during office hours. You can sign up here


Our one on one counseling care exists to equip and give practical tools for the sake of healing and maturity in Christ.

We offer pastoral counseling with elders and staff, clinical counseling reimbursement with endorsed providers, and referrals to other local counseling services as needed.

If you find yourself needing urgent counseling care, please contact us by emailing