
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations

Matthew 28:19


Onesphore began Harvest for Christ ministries in 2001 at the University of Burundi with a group of his classmates. HFC's mission is to develop mission minded leaders to serve the underserved and mobilize young leaders to serve in their local context. In 2015, Onesphore gave his car and salary away to a young leader he has been developing to direct Harvest for Christ. Onesphore still serves as the president of the board, but has moved his leadership into the local church to facilitate the process of revitalizing the local church and developing indigenous church leaders. To accomplish this task, Onesphore has partnered with JICC to begin a church based theological program in his local context.
Onesphore and his wife Innocente have four children – Samuel, Deborah, Daniel and David.

The Arhabs live in France, and Ali is a leader in the Antioch School in North Africa. He is involved in television and radio broadcasts, the translation of theological educational materials, and the training and equipping of church leaders.


Simon Guillebaud was called to serve in Burundi in the midst of their civil war in 1999. He risked his life to travel around the war-torn country and preach gospel to a nation divided. His wife, Lizzie, and three children, Zac, Grace, and Josiah, now partner with him on mission in Burundi. Great Lakes Outreach partners with numerous Christian ministries in Burundi to support them in their strategic service of over 75,000 people throughout the country.
Simon spearheaded the development of the Kings Conference Center, which is now the most successful hotel in the country. This Christian enterprise funds Scripture Union, which was Great Lakes Outreach’s first partner in Burundi. The Kings Conference Center models Godly business practices for a nation that expects corruption.
Katelyn currently serves as a nurse in the Village of Mango in Togo, Africa. She has been there since 2020 and has built many relationships with the people of Mango, and has a heart to reach the Muslim women there. 

Michaela moved to Quito, Ecuador in February of 2024. She is serving a two year commitment with One Collective, a global missions organization. While in Ecuador, she is serving alongside ESE (End Slavery Ecuador) as their Communications Specialist. ESE is striving to end the exploitation of women by doing street outreach to women in prostitution, employing women in jewelry making, offering holistic services to women in need, and coordinating a safe place of residence for women who otherwise would be on the street.


Jeremy and Brittanie Rees are following the Lord’s direction to move to the Philippines in January of 2025 to support the two Villages of Hope there. Along with their two children, Georgia (7) and Shiloh (3), they are planning to serve at the Cagayan de Oro (CDO) location on the island of Mindanao, Philippines. This new location will eventually provide refuge to as many as 200 children rescued from Online Sexual Exploitation, Human, and Cyber Trafficking. If you would like to stay up to date or give to their funds - the links are below. 

We're all on mission

we believe everyone of us is a missionary where ever we are.
help us support those who feel called over seas to take the gospel to foreign soil

In response to God’s Word, our church mission is to glorify God by making disciples of all peoples. We partner with many different communities, organizations, and individuals (locally and globally) to accomplish this disciple-making vision.
There are 1.8 billion unreached people living in the world currently. As motivating as this number seems, our true motivation comes from Christ’s words,“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind; and love your neighbor as yourself” Luke 10:27. He states this in the context of speaking about the Good Samaritan, a foreigner. When loving our neighbors, wherever we live, this certainly includes the nations.