First sundays

20s - 30s Monthly Gathering

What is our goal? 
The goal for the Young Adults group is to provide a space for people post college, young professionals, grad students, and young married couples to meet and stay connected! Being connected to the church body is incredibly important for growing in faith and developing friendships. Being a part of the church body is being a part of the family of Christ. In being a part of a family, we want to have space for gatherings of fellowship, worship, prayer, and serving together.

What will our gatherings look like? 
The goal is to meet monthly for different gatherings: Worship, testimonies, teaching or just fun! In addition to monthly meetings, we would like to create opportunities to serve the community!

Who is this for?
Young Adults: 20s - 30s post college, young professionals, grad students, young married couples (w/ no kids)

How can I be involved?
Attend our gathering monthly! We also need volunteers to help run events. Because we are a family, we want to stay connected more than once a month. If you're interested in helping plan additional events (service events, social things, prayer/worship nights, etc.) let us know!