The Devil

Weekly Reading

Monday: Exodus 28, Matthew 23
Tuesday: Matthew 24
Wednesday: Exodus 29
Thursday: Matthew 25
Friday: Exodus 30
Saturday: Psalm 14-18, Proverbs 5
Sunday: 1 Samuel 17-25

Discussion Questions

  1. Review the link below and the summary of Thomas Brook’s remedies. Which lie of the enemy do you most identify with? Can you think of a story that highlights this that you can share with others?
  2. What do you believe is the biggest lie that you are hearing and/or believing right now?  
  3. What truth from Scripture counters that lie? (If you don’t know, ask a trusted friend or someone in the church family)
  4. What is one spiritual discipline you feel led to start or continue? What is one small step you can take this week to begin practicing that?

3DQ - 3 Discipleship questions to ask each other: What is God saying to you? What are you going to do about it? How can I help?

Sermon Notes

The Devil is Real
Real (John 8:39-44)
Created  (Ez 28:15)
Powerful (John 12:31, 14:30, 16:11)
Defeated by Jesus (Col 3:15)
Still Deceiving (1 Peter 5:8)
One day defeated forever (Rev 12:7-11)

The Devil is a liar
We are called to resist him
We resist him through spiritual disciplines


Live No Lies, by John Mark Comer
An overview of the subject matter in this sermon series

Renovation of the Heart, by Dallas Willard
Especially chapters 6 and 7 on Transforming the Mind

Summarizing Points from Thomas Brooks

Full Book: “Precious Remedies Against Satan’s Devices”

Jesus at the Door Evangelism Method

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