I Will Send You Another Helper

Weekly Reading

Monday: Leviticus 6, Mark 13
Tuesday: Leviticus 7
Wednesday: Mark 14
Thursday: Leviticus 8, Mark 15
Friday: Mark 16
Saturday: Psalm 35-36
Sunday: 1 Kings 10-18

Discussion Questions

  1. Consider the Holy Spirit being both with us and in us. Why are both of those significant? What examples can you think of in Scripture to highlight both of those? What examples from your own life?
  2. What aspect of the Holy Spirit’s work did you most need to be reminded of today?
  3. In what areas of your life are you in need of help? Write them down. Share them out loud with someone else. Then ask the question: How can the Holy Spirit be a paraklete (helper, comforter, advocate) in that area?

3DQ - 3 discipleship questions to ask each other:  What is God saying to you? What are you going to do about it? How can I help?

Sermon Notes

Key Passage: John 14:15-24
1 John 2:1

If you love God, you will love to obey Him.
Obedience to God is only possible with the help of God.

“Judas calls in question the validity of Jesus’ messiahship; Jesus implicitly calls in question the validity of his followers’ discipleship.” -D.A. Carson


The Farewell Discourse and Final Prayer of Jesus, by D. A. Carson
Available for free on the Hoopla App through the Charleston County Library

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