The Hour Has Come

Weekly Reading

Monday: Leviticus 27
Tuesday: John 7
Wednesday: John 8
Thursday: John 9
Friday: John 10
Saturday: Psalm 62-65, Proverbs 14
Sunday: Ezra 6-10, Nehemiah 1-7

Discussion Questions

1. How is John 17:1-5 an encapsulation of the redemptive plan of God?
2. Why is one of Jesus’ important works that of interceding for His people?
3. How does Jesus’ work on the cross glorify both the Father and the Son?
4. Why is everything in this vast universe subject to the Lordship of Christ?
5. Our task as the Church is to make the glory of God more visible to a world that is lost and dying. How can we live our lives to glorify Him?

Sermon Notes

Key Passage: John 17:1-5
Hebrews 7:25
1 Corinthians 1:23-25
Philippians 2:5-11

“There is no voice which has ever been heard, either in heaven or in the earth, more exalted, more holy, more fruitful, more sublime, than the prayer offered up by the Son to God Himself.” -Philip Melanchthon

“Read John 17, where I cast my first anchor.” -John Knox

“In the sacred record, much more space is taken up by our Lord’s intercessions as He nears the end of His labors. After the closing supper, His public work being ended, and nothing remaining to be done but to die, He gave Himself wholly unto prayer. He was not again to instruct the multitude, nor to heal the sick, and in the interval which remained, before He should lay down His life, He girded Himself for special intercession. He poured out His soul in life, before He poured it out unto death.” -Charles Spurgeon

“It will bring no glory to the Father if Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross is not acceptable, or if the Son is not restored to His rightful place in the presence of the Father’s unshielded glory.” -D. A. Carson

“Yes, the Father glorified His Son, even when it pleased Him to put Him to grief. With one hand He smote, and with the other He glorified. There was a power to crush, but there was also a power to sustain working at the selfsame time. The Father glorified His Son.” -Charles Spurgeon

“All flesh is a common Jewish way of referring to all of humanity. This refers to the Father’s gift, in eternity past, of authority over all humanity, on the basis of the Son’s prospective obedient humiliation, death, resurrection, and exaltation. It is nothing less than the redemptive plan of God.” -D. A. Carson

“In the Greek, the verb is in the present subjunctive, indicating that the ‘knowledge’ is a growing experience.” -Kenneth Wuest

“Eternal life means we are alive to God’s environment.” -Merrill Tunney

“You will not know God’s voice if you do not know Him. You will not know God’s voice if you don’t believe God speaks to us. You will not know God’s voice if you don’t abide in His Presence. You will not know God’s voice if you don’t communicate with Him. You will not know God’s voice if you don’t listen to Him. You will not know God’s voice if you continue in sin without repentance because His ears will be covered. You will not hear God’s voice if you don’t want to.” -Milton Costa

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