Times of Refreshing Begin with Repentance
Weekly Reading
Monday: Numbers 1, Exodus 19-20:23
Tuesday: John 11
Wednesday: Numbers 2, Deuteronomy 15:19-16:17
Thursday: Numbers 3, John 12
Friday: Numbers 4, John 13
Saturday: Psalm 66-67
Sunday: Nehemiah 8-13, Esther 1-4
Tuesday: John 11
Wednesday: Numbers 2, Deuteronomy 15:19-16:17
Thursday: Numbers 3, John 12
Friday: Numbers 4, John 13
Saturday: Psalm 66-67
Sunday: Nehemiah 8-13, Esther 1-4
Discussion Questions
- Read the account of the Law being given at Sinai and the people’s response to Moses’ delay (Exodus 19, 32). What does it reveal about the character of God, and what does it reveal about the tendency of people to trust in themselves?
- Consider the dynamic of human responsibility and divine sovereignty. Where have you seen that tension in your life? How does the truth of Peter’s sermon in Acts 2 provide clarity for present times and hope for future times in the middle of that tension?
- Consider the weight of the phrase “you crucified and killed.” When you think of the reality of sin in your life, what sins come to mind? What are some that don’t come to mind as quickly but which separate you from the life of God?
- What do you need to repent of?
3DQ - 3 discipleship questions to ask each other: What is God saying to you? What are you going to do about it? How can I help?
Sermon Notes
Key Passage: Acts 2:14-41
Exodus 19, 32
Acts 2
Ephesians 5:15-18
Romans 10:13-17
Matthew 24:6-14
Luke 7:18-23
John 16:21-22
Exodus 19, 32
Acts 2
Ephesians 5:15-18
Romans 10:13-17
Matthew 24:6-14
Luke 7:18-23
John 16:21-22
Respectable Sins, by Jerry Bridges
Audio book available for free through Hoopla at the Charleston County Library
Audio book available for free through Hoopla at the Charleston County Library
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