How to Make Sure the Commandments of God Feel Burdensome

Weekly Reading

Monday: Numbers 23
Tuesday: Acts 14
Wednesday: Numbers 24
Thursday: Acts 15
Friday: Numbers 25, Acts 16
Saturday: Psalm 78-79
Sunday: Psalm 78-105

Sermon Notes

Key Passage: 1 John 5:1-4
John 15:9-10

How to make sure the commandments of God feel burdensome?
1. Disconnect them from the overall story of the gospel
1 John 5:19-21

Question to consider: Don’t ask the question are your desires disordered? But HOW are they disordered? How have your desires been affected by sin? But rather where are they disordered? Because they have been affected by sin in one way or another.

2. Try to follow them in your own strength
John 14-17 (“ask” is commanded 7 times) 14:13, 14, 15:7, 16, 23-24, 26
John 14:15-18
John 15:5
James 4:1-4

Question to consider: Consider the fact that the very tension you are experiencing may be a direct result of God allowing you to be in that situation -- that you can depend on him. Don’t resolve the tension too quickly by explaining it away or and by making excuses … assuming that if something is uncomfortable, then it must be wrong. Allow the tension to drive you to a place of dependency and faith.  What is a one sentence prayer you can ask in that area?

3. Try to follow them in isolation
John 14:14, 34, 35, 15:12, 17

Question to consider: In that area where you were struggling to obey, how could you rely on the family of God to help you be obedient? How could you partner with someone or with some group to be able to see that through?

The opposite of addiction is not sobriety. The opposite of addiction is connection.

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