Examples of Faith

Weekly Reading

Monday: Genesis 7, 2 Timothy 3-4
Tuesday: Genesis 8, Titus 1-2
Wednesday: Genesis 9, Titus 3
Thursday: Genesis 10, Hebrews 1
Friday: Genesis 11, Hebrews 2-3
Saturday: Psalm 119
Sunday: Ezekiel 35-40

Sermon Notes

Key Passage: 1 Thessalonians 1:1-10

Discussion Questions

1. Any specific highlights from the passage or the sermon?

2. In verse 3 Paul remembers the Thessalonians' work of faith, labor of love, and steadfastness of hope.  How do these look in the Christian’s life?

3. What does it mean in verse 5 when the word of God comes not only in word, but in power?

4. Verse 6 spoke of the Thessalonians becoming imitators of the apostles after their salvations. Who is a person in the faith that you strive to imitate after?

5. In verse 9 Paul speaks about the Thessalonians turning from idols to the living God. What has this looked like in your life? 

6. Verse 10 speaks about the promises that the Thessalonians are holding onto now instead of false promises. What are some of the promises of God that you hold to that help you turn away from idols?

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