A Prayer for Sanctification / A Call to Fast

Weekly Reading

Monday: Genesis 47, Matthew 1
Tuesday: Matthew 2-3
Wednesday: Genesis 48, Matthew 4
Thursday: Genesis 49, Matthew 5
Friday: Genesis 50
Saturday: Psalm 1-5, Proverbs 1
Sunday: Joshua 10-20

Sermon Notes

Key Passage: 1 Thessalonians 5:23-24
Matthew 9:14-17
1 Thessalonians 5:12-22
Psalm 127

"…because of what I now see in the Bible as an all-embracing, all-pervasive providence, I live more consciously in a God-entranced world. I see reality differently. For example, I used to look at sunrises when I was jogging and think that God has created a beautiful world. Then it became less general and more specific, more personal. I said, “Every morning God paints a different sunrise.” He never gets tired of doing it again and again. But then it struck me. No, he doesn’t do it again and again. He never stops doing it. The sun is always rising somewhere in the world. God guides the sun twenty-four hours every day and paints sunrises at every moment, century after century without one second of respite, and never grows weary or less thrilled with the work of his hands. Even when cloud cover keeps man from seeing it, God is painting spectacular sunrises above the clouds." -John Piper, Providence


Practicing the Power, by Sam Storms
Available on the Hoopla app through CCPL

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