Purifying a People for His Own Possession

Weekly Reading

Monday: Numbers 25
Tuesday: Numbers 26, Acts 10
Wednesday: Numbers 27, Acts 11
Thursday: Numbers 28, Acts 12
Friday: Numbers 29, Acts 13
Saturday: Psalm 75-77
Sunday: Esther 7-10, Job 1-13

Sermon Notes

Key Passage: Numbers 19
Hebrews 9:13-14
Hebrews 13:11-16
Luke 14:12-14
Romans 8:13-17
Titus 2:2-14

Christ’s sacrifice is complete and final (provision)
Christ’s sacrifice is “outside so that we can go inside” (identity)
Christ’s sacrifice redeems us from dead works so that we can display Him through good works

“Do you mortify? Do you make it your daily work? You must always be at it while you live; do not take a day off from this work; always be killing sin or it will be killing you.”  -John Owen, The Mortification of Sin

Discussion Questions

  1. In Numbers 19, the red heifer being offered as a sacrifice was extremely valuable. Re-read Hebrews 9:13-14. What does this value say to us about Jesus and his sacrifice?
  2. Romans 8:14-17 reminds us of the work of the Spirit in those who are believers in Christ. Has there been a time recently when you have heard the Father’s voice remind you of something? What was that? Specifically, how is the Father reminding you to be more like Jesus right now? What specific aspect of your life is he bringing to your attention?
  3. Titus 2 gives us a practical list of what is included in sound (or healthy) teaching within the church. Is there something in that list that particularly challenges you? What is it? How does the grace of God appearing (v. 11) motivate you towards obedience?


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