As You Have Received Christ, so Walk in Him

Weekly Reading

Monday: Genesis 1, Colossians 3-4
Tuesday: Genesis 2, 1 Thessalonians 1-2
Wednesday: Genesis 3, 1 Thessalonians 3
Thursday: Genesis 4, 1 Thessalonians 4-5
Friday: Genesis 5, 2 Thessalonians 1-2
Saturday: Psalm 113-117
Sunday:  Lamentations 5, Ezekiel 1-11

Sermon Notes

Key Passage: Colossians 2:1-15
Hebrews 5:11-14
Galatians 4:3
Proverbs 25:2

Discussion Questions

3DQ - 3 discipleship questions to ask each other: What is God saying to you? What are you going to do about it? How can I help?

  1. One of the principles of the world we talked about today is how we are prone to emotional reasoning - to trust our feelings to interpret reality (reread Hebrews 5:11-14). Take a difficult area of your life right now and do an inventory: 1. Describe what you are feeling. 2. Ask someone with wisdom what they see or understand based on what you are experiencing. 3. Consider the ways in which there may be more to the reality of the situation than what you are feeling.
  2. We said that there are two ways that we can see the fruit of rooting and grounding our life in the principles of Christ instead of the principles of the world. The questions that we can ask ourselves is: 1) Does this make much of God or make much of man? 2) Does it cause me to love God more? 3) Does it cause me to love others more?  
  3. Using these questions, consider an area of your life that you need wisdom right now. Reread Colossians 2:3 and Proverbs 25:2. What is your posture towards God in searching for wisdom?
  4. What is your posture towards others in the body of Christ? Is there a way you need to move towards the people of God (being knit together) for the sake of finding greater life in Christ?

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