Pentecost 2024

Weekly Reading

Monday: Leviticus 21
Tuesday: Leviticus 22, John 7
Wednesday: Leviticus 23
Thursday: Leviticus 24, John 8
Friday: John 9
Saturday: Psalm 60-63
Sunday: 1 Chronicles 28-29, 2 Chronicles 1-9

Sermon Notes

Key Passage: Matthew 8:1-4

Discussion Questions

3DQ - 3 discipleship questions to ask each other: What is God saying to you? What are you going to do about it? How can I help?

1. What did the Holy Spirit highlight to you in the passage or the sermon?

2. What are your feelings/reactions to the idea of miraculous-healing in the 21st century? (Allow for open discussion and honest reactions).

3. Verse 2 tells us that the Leper came to Jesus - what does the leper’s example teach us about how we should approach Jesus?

4. Verse 3 highlights how Jesus responded to the leper:
a. How did Jesus respond?
b. What is significant about Jesus touching the leper?
c. What other scriptural examples do we have of how Jesus responds to those who come to him?
d. Why is this such good news? What does it reveal about the heart of Jesus?

5. What does it look like to follow Jesus’s example in Matthew 8:1-4 in our world today?

6. Finally, who needs prayer for healing? (Spend time praying for healing in your home group).

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