A Bruised Reed

Weekly Reading

Monday: Genesis 32:3-32, Revelation 9
Tuesday: Genesis 33, Revelation 10-11
Wednesday: Genesis 34, Revelation 12
Thursday: Genesis 35, Revelation 13
Friday: Genesis 36, Revelation 14-15
Saturday: Psalm 143-145
Sunday: Micah 4-7, Nahum 1-3, Habbakuk 1-3

Sermon Notes

Key Passage: Matthew 12:14-21
Matthew 3:16-17
Matthew 26:62-63
Psalm 2:1-5,9

1. Jesus is the Lord's anointed
2. Jesus is not concerned about his fame, but rather forbearance with his followers.
3. Jesus is a servant to those who need saving, Jesus is the savior

Joy Has Dawned
Joy has dawned upon the world Promised from creation
God's salvation now unfurled Hope for ev'ry nation
Not with fanfares from above Not with scenes of glory
But a humble gift of love Jesus born of Mary

Sounds of wonder fill the sky With the songs of angels
As the mighty Prince of Life Shelters in a stable
Hands that set each star in place Shaped the earth in darkness
Cling now to a mother's breast Vulnerable and helpless

Once a babe in Bethlehem Now the Lord of history

“There is more mercy in Christ, then sin in us. More grace in him than there is sin in us...Are you bruised? Be of good cheer. He calls you to Himself. Do not conceal your wounds, rather open them all before him. Do not keep satan's counsel. Go to Christ though trembling. Never fear to go to God since we have such a mediator with him that is not only our friend but our brother and husband.” - Richard Sibbes, A Bruised Reed

"That evening I found myself talking with the woman who had been leading the worship earlier that day. She told me her name was Anna and she was around my age. She looked and sounded like a regular soccer mom and I told her that I had enjoyed the service. When she responded her words were nothing like the typical conversation I'd have over coffee after church at home. She said this…
“There is evil in this world, she began. There is danger and violence and people who want to hurt and destroy you. And just because you put your trust in God for your children, your loved ones and everyone else that you care about doesn't mean that they are going to be safe. You understand?  People say they trust God, but what they’re actually saying is “I trust that God will…” They have a contract all drawn up and they expect God to come through for them exactly the way they want him to, but really, trust in God means letting go of the outcome. It means giving up on getting results that you want. And when you do that, everything changes. That's what you saw today at the worship service. Almost everyone here is learning what it means to truly put your faith in God and when the Russians came, we all started from the same place, telling God that we trusted him to do what WE wanted, to protect our children and loved ones but everyone here has lost someone they loved. Some of the people you were worshiping alongside, have seen their own children shot to death, blown up or executed. But they're still here. They're still believing that God exists and is with us and they're finding that God can take their rage and their sorrow and their pain. He can take it all, every tear and every shout.  He is enough.” - Chad Robichaux, A Mission without Borders

Discussion Questions

3DQ - 3 discipleship questions to ask each other: What is God saying to you? What are you going to do about it? How can I help?

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