Jesus Baptizes with the Holy Spirit and Fire

Weekly Reading

Monday: Exodus 1, Matthew 6
Tuesday: Exodus 2, Matthew 7
Wednesday: Exodus 3, Matthew 8
Thursday: Exodus 4, Matthew 9
Friday: Exodus 5, Matthew 10
Saturday: Psalm 6-8
Sunday: Joshua 10-21

Sermon Notes

Key Passage: Matthew 3:1-12
Deuteronomy 4:24, 32-26

Person - the Person of God to initiate
Peter’s Story in regards to the work of the Spirit::
  • Denies God (Matthew 26:69-75)
  • Pentecost - given gift of tongues, preaches powerfully (Acts 2)
  • Prays for crippled man to be healed, boldly preaches the gospel to religious leaders (Acts 3-4)
  • Prays for boldness along with believers, room shakes (Acts 4:23-31) 
  • Lays hands on Samaritan believers, they receive power (Acts 8)

The point I am establishing, then, is that these very variations in the way in which this happens all point to the same fact, that the given element is the important one.  You cannot stereotype or systematize this, or say, “Very well then, this is what you have to do.” No, it is always this given element, the pouring out, the falling upon, the being filled.  In other words, all these variations establish the lordship of our Lord Jesus Chriist in this entire matter.  It is he who is the giver, it is he who is the baptizer. He does so in his own way and in his own time, and we must never lose sight of this all important principle." - Martyn Lloyd Jones, “Joy Unspeakable”

Power - the power of God to transform
Βαπτίζω (Baptizo) - dip, soak, immerse

Posture - our posture before the one who pickles and purifies
Spiritual disciplines are not about making you more precious to God. They’re about making God more precious to you.

Discussion Questions

3DQ - 3 discipleship questions to ask each other: What is God saying to you? What are you going to do about it? How can I help?

  1. When we consider the call of John the Baptist to “prepare the way … make straight the paths” and our desire to create an environment for God to move within our lives individually, our families, and our churches: Where do you need to repent? Where do you need to turn from seeking life on your own terms to turning to the Life Giver?
  2. How can you participate in the church fast? Make a plan. Share it with someone else. Sign up and get resources.

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