Righteousness in Secret

Weekly Reading

Monday: Numbers 16, Acts 13
Tuesday: Acts 14
Wednesday: Numbers 17, Acts 15
Thursday: Numbers 18
Friday: Acts 16
Saturday: Psalm 78, Proverbs 17
Sunday: Job 5-22

Sermon Notes

Key Passage: Matthew 6:1-6, 16-18
Genesis 15:1-6 NKJV
Romans 6:3-4
Colossians 3:3


Expressive individualism has led to performative individualism -
“The performance of self is more important than the actual self.” -John Starke

"But when you’re buried, the substance of your identity, meaning, and self-worth will be found not through the performance of the self but through the death and burial of the self in Christ. And in that burial is the soil and setting for fruitfulness. Because your burial is in Christ, what was available to Christ is available to you. This is why being buried with Christ is a fruitful dormancy. All the resources that Christ had we now have in him. This is what Christians call our union with Christ.  
"When Christ came in the incarnation, he took on everything that was ours so we could take on everything that was his. If you are in Christ, what is true of Christ is true of you; what belongs to Christ belongs to you. Your past, present, and future are then defined by the past, present, and future of Christ, not your failures, weaknesses, and shame. If you are buried with Jesus, your future is as bright as the glorified Christ in heaven.
"There is no curation of our image when we are in Christ. You cannot add to or enhance who you are in him. In Christ, as Paul tells us in Ephesians, are all the benefits and blessings in the heavenly places." -John Starke, The Secret Place of Thunder

"A life buried with Christ, dead and dormant to the [world’s] system, has a deeper capacity for fruitful living in God’s kingdom. Instead of performance, people experience our generosity. Instead of our insecurities, they experience the presence of Christ." -John Starke, The Secret Place of Thunder

Discussion Questions

3DQ - 3 discipleship questions to ask each other: What is God saying to you? What are you going to do about it? How can I help?

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