Matthew 19:14

Our Core beliefs

Parents are the primary evangelizers and disciplers of their children.
This means that, while the church certainly has a part to play in helping and equipping parents in this work, it is Dad's and Mom's responsibility to lead their children to Christ and in the life of Christ.

Families should experience worship and the other "rhythms" of the church together - not separately.
Children need to see their parents worshiping, praying, singing, reading scripture, and relating to other brothers and sisters in the body. We know that this gets messy, noisy, distracting, even frustrating at times - but the fruit of families engaged in the life of the church together rather than segmented out is deeper, richer, and more rewarding than would be the case otherwise.

The Church is called to equip the saints for the work of ministry.
Believing parents (saints) are to be about the ministry of raising their children in the fear of the Lord. Some families are a little further down the road here than others - that's okay! And it’s even to be desired because this is where the beauty of the body at work is clearly seen. We want to be a place of grace and compassion that partners with parents wherever they are on their journey (new believers to seasoned, mature believers) and equip them with resources, examples, and teaching to be about this great work.



Do you have childcare during the 5pm Sunday Service?
Yes!  We currently serve children ages 6 months through 5th grade. Children should be checked in before the service starts, and they will go to their classrooms after worship!

Are you following any specific Covid-19 related protocols?
We require all JICC Kids Volunteers and children to have a normal temperature and be completely asymptomatic in order to participate in childcare.

Will you serve a snack during the Sunday childcare time?
No, children are not served a snack during care. Please do not bring food for your child to eat while with us. We have disposable cups for water should they get thirsty. Should your child need an exception to this policy, please email our director at Babies are the exception to this policy and will be given whatever beverages or snacks the parent provides.

How can I get involved and serve?
We encourage families who use the childcare service to serve one Sunday a month. Click this link for more information or email the director at